Chef. Abd El Azim And Chef. Yasser

| Thursday, 23 May 2019 |

Chef. Abd El Azim And Chef. Yasser

Goodness is a way of life .. the least help you do in your day for the people around you is good for you and make them happy.

And our heroes today, goodness is their way of life.

Chef Abdel Azim and Chef Yasser are from the Baby Home School team ... At the time when people eat and rest from the morning work, they stay up all night to prepare meals for the next day that will be distributed to the areas, floors and tables .. and the morning will supervise the rest of the preparations For meals.

Thanks to Chef Abdel Azim and Chef Yasser, you are an example to people who are able to put their work to the service of people.

It is the core of community involvement and integration when it comes to utilizing your profession and expertise in developing your society

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