Hosni & Engy Lebaladna Founders

| Tuesday, 29 September 2020 |

Hosni & Engy Lebaladna Founders

The least thing in your hands that gives you will have a big impact in the hearts of people.

Today's heroes are Hosni and Angie, the founders of lebaladna .. After every success that happens in our country, we got used to them, "الحمدلله الذي بنعمته تتم الصالحات"

They share every detail on the day of Ramadan, from the beginning of the day to the end.

Although they have their life commitments, they prefer being present most of the time.

They treating all those who are present as their children, and this is a word they repeat when they like to call out to some of our country ..

They are the main source of the spirit and motivation of giving, no matter how many years go and the foundation grows.

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